0001.AI-generated content is raising the value of trust+



AI 생성물이 하나의 콘텐츠로 자리하게 되면서 미디어의 참 거짓이 중요시되고 있음. AI가 발전해감에 따라 가짜 사진, 그림, 영상 등은 만연해질 것이며, 그에 따라 '무엇을 올렸는가?' 보다 '누가 올렸는가?'가 더 중요해질 것임.


Dystopian possibilities abound. It will be difficult, for example, to avoid a world in which any photograph of a person can be made pornographic by someone using an open-source model in their basement, then used for blackmail—a tactic the fbi has already warned about. Perhaps anyone will be able to produce a video of a president or prime minister announcing a nuclear first strike, momentarily setting the world on edge. Fraudsters impersonating relatives will prosper.


Yet societies will also adapt to the fakers. People will learn that images, audio or video of something do not prove that it happened, any more than a drawing of it does (the era of open-source intelligence, in which information can be reliably crowdsourced, may be short-lived). Online content will no longer verify itself, so who posted something will become as important as what was posted. Assuming trustworthy sources can continue to identify themselves securely—via urls, email addresses and social-media platforms—reputation and provenance will become more important than ever.
